Loren & Felicia

Loren & Felicia

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Fondue 2010

For all but one of our 25 years, Loren and I had a Christmas Fondue with a group of friends the first weekend after getting our tree.


Last year, we had to cancel because one of us just wasn’t feeling well.  Nothing serious, then….just a typical winter bug. Someone from the usual gang was sick tonight, too.    In some ways, that cancellation made it a little easier to choose to have the fondue again this year.  I already knew what it was to miss it and want it back.


Often, we have tried to expand a little- wanting to share the good time with new friends- but this year, it was important for the core group who had been there so many years to come and experience it with me – without Loren- for the first time.  We had a special time of each sharing a memory as we toasted Loren.  He loved, and was well loved.


We did have fun, too! 


Neither death, nor life, neither things past or things to come can separate us from Love.  There are times that we cannot see it, but Love burns on and has power to sustain. 


May Love’s fire warm even the bleakest of nights and its crackle add merry accompaniment to your cheery days.






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