Loren & Felicia

Loren & Felicia

Share a Picture

Would you like to share a picture of the Dyck family? A funny or sentimental favourite of Loren? Send it to becster56@shaw.ca and I'll make sure it's put on this page so all can enjoy.

From Loren & Felicia's weekend at Rekindle the Fire near Warren, MB.

Some pics from the slide show shown at the Concert:



Pics From Bryn



 this was taken by someone at a church BBQ. for some reason the pic made him green.. 
but it seems to work with his expression lol



had to add this one because I think that beard is hilarious

Pics from Carla Dyck

A celebration for grandparents

The VERY young couple

Red Rock Days

The Dueck Clan

Party Animals

Loren & Ali

Loren & Cammie