Loren & Felicia

Loren & Felicia

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Hello all. 

The day began for me at just after 7 am. A little pain, but a good night and no puppy accidents! I checked on all the dogs and saw that Alissa was OK before deciding to head back to sleep just after 8. That was a good call because I next woke up at 9:45.  I am finally catching up on a bit of sleep.

Alissa and I tackled priming her room today - and dog care - and dishes. It went well.  After some conversations with some nurse recruiters and checking on possible nursing education opportunities, I headed out to the University to visit my good friend/former prof. Feel good things.  And then some shopping and a milkshake with another friend. I am rich, indeed.

More paint bought, I dropped it off and saw that Ali had commandeered her friends to get the colour on her walls!  Apparently they’d had supper and left some warm for me. Next - off to Rona to collect on some triple Air Miles from previous purchases and various other items. A very full day. But progressive and needful…and …..me.

Heading to bed with gratitude tonight….

There were many many moments throughout the day that reminded me of Loren….good and sad. But most of my day was about living. And that is really a good thing.


PS  I am hearing Ali sing and play as I get ready to sleep. Living is good. Many thanks for your prayers. Nerve damage heals at something like a 1/4 inch to an inch a month. Grief must be somewhat similar - as both your senses and your responses need to heal.

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